Tuesday 20 September 2011

Board Game Scope Creep...

So, I clearly can't take my own advice. The original vision was for a simpler game so I could focus on iteration and polish. Sacrifice (mentioned before) is creeping into the universe of too much complexity. We're talking combat, character cards, an evasion track, multiple critter types, hundreds of cards, dozens of tokens... simple core mechanics and a strong theme could make this game great, but only if I have the time and skill to make it. I probably don't.

Now is probably the time to rein this in and go with a simpler idea. Let's see what I can find online for making my own board game...

1 comment:

  1. Grid paper and colored pens. Old school!

    That suggestion was 75% serious, as is the next: Visio, or similar charting software. To make the board/spaces/whatnot.


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